Living in Venice, Florida offers a unique blend of pros and cons that you should consider when deciding if it's the right place for you. In this blog post, I’ll explore some key aspects of Venice, focusing on what sets this city apart from others in Florida. Keep in mind that this is just part one of the discussion, and I won't cover typical Florida topics like alligators, humidity, or the absence of state income tax. Instead, I address questions and concerns specific to Venice. So, here are three important things you should know about living in Venice, Florida – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Venice, Florida

Is it the right place for you?


Homes are less money than Sarasota

I'll get right to the point – when it comes to housing costs, Venice has a clear advantage over Sarasota. Homes in Venice are more affordable, and while they may not be dirt-cheap, they won't break the bank either. The median sale price for homes, condos, and villas in Venice over the past six months was $450,000, compared to $500,000 in Sarasota. To dig deeper, I focused solely on homes (excluding condos), and here's what I found: Sarasota's median home sale price was $600,000, while in Venice, it stood at $545,000. On average, you can save around $50,000 by choosing Venice over Sarasota for your new home.


 Traffic isn’t any better

It's a common misconception that smaller towns like Venice will offer a significant reprieve from traffic compared to larger cities like Sarasota. However, I'm here to set the record straight – living near the water in Florida typically means dealing with traffic, regardless of the town's size. With the beauty and attractions come the inevitable headaches, often in the form of increased traffic congestion. Unfortunately, there's no escaping it, so be prepared for some traffic challenges, I'm sorry to say.


Arts and Culture


It's a common misconception that to experience the arts and culture, one must head to Sarasota, but Venice has its own cultural gems to offer. While Venice may not be on the same scale as Tampa, it still has its share of artistic and cultural attractions. On the Island, you'll find the Venice Theatre, which, despite some damage from Hurricane Ian, is making a comeback. Venice also boasts a symphony, hosts the annual chalk art festival, and is home to the Venice Museum and Archives. Additionally, there are numerous artist studios, so don't underestimate the cultural offerings that Venice has in store for you.